Well right now here in the wonder tri-cities, it is approximately 88 degrees. And yes, it is very hot. Yesterday I was blessed with my first sunburn of the season. Can you hear my sarcasm is that sentence??

Today Ashtyn, Parker, and I went to the wonderful world of Walmart and bought a slip N slide. It was the best 8 dollars that I have ever spent. The kids love it. They could spend hours and hours on it. I should have thought about buying one years ago. I have no idea why I didn't.

Eric and I have also been slowly, and I mean slowly, lining our newly dug out flowerbeds. It is taking a long time. I am not sure if it is the cost of the product that we are using or the fact that it is really boring. Maybe a little of both. And we just keeping ripping out more and more sod. I am hoping to at least get it done by the end of summer!

Well I hope everyone remembers to use their sunscreen this weekend. I know I will!


    On May 20, 2008 at 7:01 AM Anonymous said...

    I got a sunburn this weekend too. Too bad it wasnt from slip n' slidin'!