Ashtyn has been saying, "Whatever," to me a lot lately. And I mean A LOT! It is sort of annoying. Except for today...

Let me start from the beginning. Ashtyn has this weird thing with Elton John. I am not quit sure were it came from, but every time one of his songs come on the radio it is like it is just implanted into her brain. She just knows that it is him. It is quite strange. Well this afternoon my onDemand Music thingy majig on the tv was playing an Elton John song and showing pictures. I told Ashtyn to hurry up and come so she could see. I said,"Look baby that is Elton John." And she looked at me with a little smirk and said, "whatever," and ran away!

So cute. It is those stupid little things that make me laugh that makes me KNOW why I love being a mommy.


    On May 17, 2008 at 4:43 AM Anonymous said...

    ELTON JOHN....I thought for sure she would of been a Bon Jovi fan. Where did you go wrong?