I really enjoy my job. I am not sure why but I really enjoy meeting people and talking to them about how much they run or how often and then sit and wonder why I am not running. There are only a few days that makes me wonder why I am even working there.

Maybe once, every two month or so I will get a costumer who will be looking at the shoe wall. I will walk up to them and ask them if they need any help. They will turn and look and me and ask, "Are you a runner?" and then then finish it with a complete look of disgust. I know that in their mind they are thinking that just because I do not look like a runner, I must not be able to look at there feet to determine what type of shoes they need.

What makes people like this think that it is alright to even ask a question like that?

Working in a running store I have first hand knowledge that runners come in all size and shape, so all I ask is that people stop asking me that question. Just because I am 20lbs over weight does not mean that I can not be a runner. And what makes a person a runner anyways. If I start to run one mile a week can I then say that, yes, I am a runner without feeling like I am lying to them?


    Runners who act snobby like that are ass-wipes. Just like that guy that made a smart comment to your sister. If you run because you enjoy it your a runner. If you compete your a runner. If you run a little or alot your a runner. No one person has a patent on the word. I guess if you walk then your a walker. I hate snobby people but I hate snobby runner people even more. Amen.